Full Details
- Ultralight Aluminium is a lightweight material that conducts heat well. Our Ultralight aluminium stove systems spread heat quickly and evenly. This means that food does not, for example, burn and stick to the centre of the frying pan. In addition, the hard surface means that the systems are very resistant to scratching and wear. Ultralight aluminium is 50 % stronger than ordinary aluminium. Consequently, less material is required to manufacture the stove systems. As a result, they are lighter.
- Ultralight Aluminium Kettle 0.9 litre
- 1.5 litre Ultralight aluminium pan for the Trangia 25 cooker set.
- 1.75 litre Ultralight aluminium pan for the Trangia 25 cooker set.
- 22cm Ultralight aluminium frying pan/lid for a Trangia 25 cooker set
- The original heat source for a Trangia stove, the complete burner is available as a spare. It is silent, simple with no moving parts, durable and easy to use. It is easy to light in hot, cold or windy conditions and is lightweight and easy to store between camps.
- Simmering ring which when open and placed over the Trangia meths burner will give a simmering flame, and when closed can be used to extinguish the burner.
- Screw cap for Trangia spirit stoves. Can be used for extinguishing the burner , but first remove the rubber washer from inside the cap as this may melt when extinguishing the burner. (Note, do not screw the burner cap on tightly to the burner whilst the burner is still warm, as when it cools down the cap will become very difficult to remove )
- Upper ultralight aluminium windshield for a Trangia 25 stove
- Lower ultralight aluminium windshield for Trangia 25 Stove
- Replacement or additional Trangia Pan Handle to fit any size of Trangia cook system
- Strap that holds the cook set together when packed away.
- Weight: 1.025kg

Trangia 25-2 UL Stove & Alloy Pan Set With Kettle