Grangers Clothing Wash + Repel 2-in-1 - 1L Litre Pouch
Dual Action Clothing Wash and Waterproofer
It’s important to take care of your outdoor gear, especially waterproof clothing, to ensure that it can keep you safe and comfortable outdoors in all weathers. Waterproof clothing should be washed and cared for properly as dirt and debris can affect the effectiveness of a waterproof garment. Applying waterproofing products to dirty clothing is ineffective. The dirt, grime, and stains can affect the performance of the product, decreasing its waterproofing abilities and the breathability of the fabric, as well as the overall look of the garment.
Grangers understand that people may not have the time to clean and proof their outdoor gear separately, which is why they have created a product that is both safe to use and incredibly effective. A unique 2-in-1 formulation makes it easier and faster to clean and proof your outdoor gear, while also having a much lower environmental impact than traditional waterproofing methods.
Grangers’ exclusive 2-in-1, the wash-in product requires less energy and water to provide superior protection for all your outerwear. There’s nothing else like it on the market! Kind to the environment it is PFC-free, bluesign ® approved and durable. With this treatment, your waterproof outerwear will remain waterproof and you’ll be back outside enjoying the outside and the comfort of your water-resistant items in no time at all. So why not try this revolutionary cleaning and waterproofing treatment and put your outerwear through its paces?
Wash + Repel Features
- Durable water repellency.
- Powerful cleaning.
- Maximises breathability.
- 2-in-1 formulation.
- Conserves energy and water.
- Saves time.
- Bluesign ® approved.
- PFC-free.
- 72% less packaging.
How to use Grangers Clothing Wash + Repel
- Reuse your cap from your Grangers bottle.
- No cap to hand? Measure out your required amount at home using a standard non-food measuring vessel.
- Measure out 100ml, adding 50ml per each additional garment
- For best results we recommend reproofing garments separately.
- Pour product directly into the detergent drawer of your washing machine.
- Wash on a full cycle at 30 °C/86 °F or according to care label instructions.
- Heat activation is required. Tumble-dry on low/medium heat, or apply heat using an iron or hairdryer.