Vango Airbeam Sky Canopy For Caravan & Motorhomes - 3.5M
Full Details
Great for any campsite as a space to escape the sun and relax in the shade or creating a covered entry from the rain, simply inflate your AirBeam® Sky Canopy in minutes with the single beam. Attach optional sidewalls for added privacy or shade using Vango's innovative SkyTrack II® System. The ideal lightweight canopy for easy and fast erection, ensuring you have more time to enjoy your trip.
- Vango AirBeam® - Quick to pitch and creates a strong and rigid structure
- Sentinel Exclusive - The newly developed Sentinel Exclusive fabric is one of the strongest and most durable fabrics in our collection. Testing at more than double the strength of Sentinel Active awning fabric, highly waterproof and with our new ColourLok™ technology, the performance is second to none.
- AirSpeed® Valve System and easy access positioning - Designed by Vango to inflate your AirBeam®s with even less effort
- Weight: 5.5kg

Vango Airbeam Sky Canopy For Caravan & Motorhomes - 3.5M